Monday, November 19, 2007

Liquid Coal

Well well well, I was under the impression that liquid coal was good stuff. Man, was I apparently wrong. I suppose that I was looking at it simply from the view that it would provide us with an abundant source of fuel for the next few decades, after the original fossil based fuels had gone. But, it seems that liquid coal is much worse for us, for a variety of reasons.

The stuff pollutes the atmosphere much more than traditional fuels. Also, it would require much more mining, and apparently the entire idea is just too expensive to consider. Companies that plan on doing this process are asking to be subsidized by the government. Hopefully those assholes will realize that we do not need to continue to be dependent on such hazardous fuels any longer.

Maybe if we had just signed the damned Kyoto Treaty....

Anyway, you can read the story here:, and you can take action here: NRDC

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